Welcome Notes

Be Happier Like There is No Worries..Be Wise When Time Needed..Be Trusted and More Over
...........JUST BE YOURSELF............

Monday, December 27, 2010

The Meaning of Color for Gender

What we see and interact with is in color, includes both natural and built environments. About 80% of the information which we assimilate through the sense, is visual. However, color does more than just give us objective information about our world-it affects how we feel. The presence of color become more important in interior environment, since most people spend more time inside than outside.

Is there a gender difference in response to color? Although findings are ambiguous, many investigations have indicated that there are differences between gender in preferences for colors. Early investigations done by by Guilford (1934) on the harmony of color combinations found that a person is likely to see balance in colors that are closely related or the opposite. Guilford also found some evidence that more pleasing results were obtained from either very small or very large differences in hue rather than medium differences, with this tendency more frequent in women than men.

A review of color studies done by Eysenck in early 1940's notes the following results to the relationship between gender and color. Dorcus (1926) found yellow had a higher affective value for the men than women and St. George (1938) maintained that blue for men stands out far more than for women. An even earlier study by Jastrow (1897) found men preferred blue to red and women red to blue. Eysenck's study, however, found only one gender difference with yellow being preferred to orange by women and orange to yellow by men. This finding was reiforced later by Birren (1952) who found men preferred orange to yellow; while women placed orange at the bottom of the list.

Guilford and Smith (1959) found men were generally more tolerant toward achromatic colors than women. Thus, Guilford and Smith proposed that women might be more color-concious and their color tastes more flexible and diverse. Likewise, McInnis and Shearer (1964) found that blue green was more favored among women than men, and women preferred tints more than shades. They also found 56% of men and 76% of women preferred cool colors, and 51% men and 45% women chose bright colors. In a similar study, Plater (1967) found men had a tendency to prefer stronger chromas than women.

Rikard Kuller (1976) conducted a study on the effects of color in two opposite environments. Six men and six women were asked to stay in two rooms, one room was colorful and complex; while the other was gray and sterile. Electroencephalogram (EEG) and pulse rates were recorded throughout the period, as well as the individuals' subjective emotional feelings. The results showed heart rates were faster in the gray room than in the colorful room. Moreover, men were found to have stress reactions more than women. Men also became more bored than did the women in the gray room. Kuller also postulated that men could not achieve the same degree of mental relaxation as women.

Thomas, Curtis, and Bolton (1978) interviewed 72 Nepalese and asked them to list the names all the colors they could think of. There was a significant difference between men and women. Although, the women consistently listed more color names than men did, the cultural context of this study must be noted since Nepalese women traditionally wear more colorful clothing than men do. A similar study by Greene (1995) examined the color identification and vocabulary skills of college students. They were asked to identify the colors of 21 color chips. The results showed that women recognized significantly more elaborate colors than did the men. Findings also indicated that gender different responses in color identification may be attributed to a difference in the socialization of men and women.

Another study examined the appropriateness of colors used on the walls of a simulated domestic interior furnished in one of three styles; Georgian, Art Nouveau and Modern. Whitfield (1984) reported that internal consistency among women is higher than for men. When the study was broadened to include marital status, married women achieve significantly more internal consistency in each condition of the three styles than did the men.
More recently, Radeloff (1990) has found that women were more likely than men to have a favorite color. In expressing the preferences for light versus dark colors, there was no significant differences between men and women; however, in expressing the preference for bright and soft colors, there was a difference, with women preferring soft colors and men preferring bright ones.

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Deep Breathing to Lose Weight

Adding some deep breathing to your daily routine can actually help to boost your metabolism. Now you are probably thinking, really? Well, although breathing alone is not going to eliminate those excess pounds, when combined with a healthy diet, plenty of water and adequate exercise it can really make a difference.
Deep breathing is something you can do anywhere. Its an exercise you can do without changing clothes or going to the gym. Try it while waiting in line for your groceries, at your desk or even while kicking back watching a movie.

Deep Breathing and Weight Loss

Most of us take shallow breaths throughout the day. In fact, research has shown that most people only use a quarter of their lung capacity. Why is this important? Deep breathing increases oxygen levels in your bloodstream, which in turn increases circulation and gives your metabolism a boost. By not breathing deeply enough, you're forcing your metabolism to run below its optimal level. When you switch your metabolism back on, you will discover higher energy levels and increased mental clarity too.
Deep breathing can also reduce stress levels. When we are stressed the body secretes Cortisol, a hormone that encourages your body to store excess abdominal fat. Deep breathing reduces stress which in return keep that waistline slim.

Other benefits of Deep Breathing

Increasing your oxygen levels through deep breathing helps to keep your body cleansed of toxins. Exhalation from the lungs is one of the methods that the body uses to clear out toxins from your body, and elimination of waste, debris, toxins, and body pollution is a major function of oxygen. Keeping your body free of these substances helps to keep the metabolism revved. More oxygen will stimulate your lymphatic system too - another important factor in eliminating waste.
Deep breathing also improves the digestive process. When the digestive organs receive adequate amounts of oxygen, food is assimilated properly and nutrients are properly absorbed by the body.

A Deep Breathing Technique

Place your hand on your lower abdomen and blow out all the air. Take a deep breath. Your abdomen will expand when you inhale and air will flow in deeply to the pit of your stomach. Breath out slowly and evenly. Now repeat this for for 5 minutes everyday!

6 Ways to get Mind to Focus When It Does Not Seem Your Own

It sometimes seems to me that I don’t own my mind, it has choices of its own. I want it to focus, generate ideas, be constructive … (In short do as I say!); And it is busy with it’s own task list. It wanders off into past, future, movies, books, conversations … anything and everything except where I want it to be. Times like these have been really frustrating and a cause of lot of unhappiness. Especially, when a deadline is nearby and I need to focus and be productive.
This was true till I found solution to work with my mind, get it to focus and help it to help me. Here are 6 ways to get mind to focus when it does not seem your own:
1. Deal with it as you would deal with a kidFirst and foremost, stop getting agitated about not being in control. The more we resist, the more the problem persists. It’s as if mind is like a child. The more we ask it to not to do something, the more it does the same.
So, if we don’t resist it, what do we do? We allow it to be where it is. And hear it out. What are its concerns. What is so important that it is ignoring our immediate need. Sometimes, sitting in silence for 5-10 minutes is all it takes to get everything out and clearing the mind. Once mind is clear, you are all set to use it the way you want.
2. Let the mind vent out
Sometimes, listening is not enough. Sometimes the need is to to talk, share with someone and offload things within. There could be some sadness, some worry, some pestering thought, if mind could just share with someone or write down, it would be enough to settle down.
3. Give mind clear and specific requirements
Be clear what is it that needs to be done. And what are the steps for doing it. Confused, unclear instructions will not yield satisfactory output. Calm yourself and state in simple and clear language list of things that need to be done and need your immediate attention.
4. Do not overload
Pick up one item at a time and deal with it. Don’t think about others. Be as fast as you can with whatever item you have picked up. Not worrying or trying to focus on other items will help finishing off tasks faster.
5. Take a break – get refreshed.
Sometimes all that’s needed is a little bit of refreshment. And there are so many ways to do this in small amount of time. Here’s my list:
    a. Have some food (if you are ignoring your tummy needs).
    b. Drink some tea/coffee.
    c. Splash your face with cold water.
    d. Go for a walk in nature
    e. Take a bath
    f. Medidate
    g. Hear some music
    h. Work out
    i. Sing a song
6. Be CreativeLast but not the least, this list is not exhaustive. Be creative and find more ways to work with your mind and help it stay focussed.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dear Diary~

Kadang2 xtahu kenapa perlu ade blog..nak bcerita kadang2 cam xde idea..tpi sometimes dalam hati ni nak luahkan tapi xtahu ape yang menghalang. nak tulis dalam diary, dah ade..tpi nk gak yg typing type punya, kalo letak dlm words, kalo kne virus xley nk bace2 balik..nk bekap byk2 kang leceh plk..tu psl kot org ade blog..haha

Lately mood cam xbest..after balik dari labuan, aku rase cam jadi org lain..name masih same, org masih same, tpi dalam hati x same lgi. Actually kejadian di Labuan aritu buat hati ni cam xbest..ade ke org yg xselesa ngan keluarga sendiri?pelik tpi benar, tu la yang aku rase sekarang..nape keluarga lain begitu bahagia, sangat memahami dan gembira menghabiskan masa bersama ahli keluarga. Dorang pun xpenah membezakan anak sape, sume anak pun anak dorang gak..bile aku berada di satu2 keluarga di sana, im realize that we lack of something. Before this I just ignored that slackness but those things appeared bluntly which others can see clearly . Is not that I didn't want my family, I love them so much yet something that should be correct from the beginning never been taking care of. They never losing me eventhough I spent most time with our relatives..because here I spent of my time with them. Xpaham and confuse why things should be like that. Kadang2 memang rasa ridiculous bile pikir2 balik..why they behave like a childish. Sometimes rase cm nk jadi jahat, xpeduli ape org pikir, jnji kite buat tok kebahagiaan diri dan org lain..but sometimes bile kite sacrifice something, org cume nmpak yg buruk jer kite buat, tpi di sebaliknya kite buat tu utk kebaikan dorang gak..why??perlu ker kite terangkan ape kite wat, bia nmpak cm baekss sssgt la kite nie?I dont need that. Aku nk buat ssuatu kebaikan bia la xde org tahu, kan x ikhlas jadinyer bile sume kite wat nk kena bgthu org..janji ikhlas di hati, dont u thik so? xpaham sgt why jadi cmni..pening and pressure sgt...rasa cm nak g jauh dari sini, g tempat org xkenal kite and x penah tahu sape kite. Build a new life, sape2 pon xdapat diri ni..kan senang. Kalo la diri ni bley dibahagikan kepada mereka2 yg nk sgt kn bgus, tpi endingnyer wpon sme je kite treat dorg, mst ttap nk lebih n xpuas hati. Am I their properties and not their child? Parent sendiri intense nk buang anaknyer, tpi bile ade famili lain sanggup berebut anak yg di buang ni, mau pulak di tarik balik..tu pun dgn kate2 kurang sedap didengari..tamaknyer perbuatan camtu. If i got the licence someday to get out from there, i will take the chances and never turned back..Im hurt so much now, never know when the inside of me change to something else. I wonder why some people have split identity, now I know why..(!____!)

Friday, November 12, 2010

Diriku dan hidupku di Labuan

Jumaat, Nov 2010. 4.51pm

Cambiase kat CC.nape la plk time ni komp makcik plk rosak, busan nk giler..nsb la labuan ni tak la besar sgt2, bley la blk jer mkcik smbar trus keta die g bndar. Cam xley hidop la tnpa tenet..atlis nk tgk fv ker..hmph.pasni nk kena balik hosp, feeding nenek..kol6 jap g. Skg nie lepak2 bandar dulu, smbil pkir nk beli ker tak massanger butterfly tok ayh.cmbest, siap bley bekam lg..die kecik jer, design cm butterfly, pakai bateri jam tpi kuase urutan die cmbest. Org yg promo pn cm best jer..die bg demo skali..pastu kena lekat kat tmpat akupuntur, ade pic die skali la..ptt beli ker x ea..da la tgh sempit skg nie.. tpi bile pkir xbeli ape2 adiah plk tok anniversary dorg..huhu~

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

My Life So far at Labuan

Wednesday, Nov 2010. Approx 12.53pm

At Exeem CC Labuan right now. My aunt computer just now working so have to find the alternative to get in touch with the outside world..hehe. My life so far here? urmm..a bit boring and tiring, go back and forth from home to hospital, looking after sick grandma..She`s looking healthy right now, just as a stroke patient 2nd level, not much she can expressed from her face except the pain and the life that she have to get through..sometimes I felt what if one day I become like that, is there someone to take care of me? paralyze, cant speak, speaking with glance...what a life. So for now, life must be appreciated. Live Live to the fullest! (^-^)V

As a first day I come here, Thursday (4th Nov). I spend my whole day at hospital and get back just for sleep after shifting place with aunt. I just don't understand why is the responsibilities just given to certain person, and that is pointing to my aunt family.Is there no one else relatives that have a little bit sense of understanding and responsible to take the duty? there are many other family, my cousins, aunt, uncle but why the only person that take care of grandma is my aunt and her children. Its really tiring, and I know I cant help more than looking after their meals and sometimes get the shift. Nothing to complaint much, just a bit curious why the other relatives just cant concern about this? Really hope that grandma can go home by this week, so they can have their rest. Sad thing that they never have a time for complete family gathering, someone will missing to look after grandma. May Allah always blessed them for their kindness, Aminn..

For me, a bit boring here,just the same routine, chores that I have to do. A very2 different life here, and a bit relaxing, which I just cant get use to it. In Kajang, I always have something to do. Here, without my Kancil - speechless. Without my computer with internet - ......... <^0^> a bit tense and pressure. If I got transport, I can go elsewhere I want, but being stuck here in this big and empty house - warghhhh~

Tuesday, November 2, 2010


Tuesday, Nov 2010. Approx. 10.10.

Today doesn't felt just right..I dont know why this lately my mood does't felt just right. I was in the middle of conversation when all the sudden I felt down. If some times I felt ok, just a snap of time I felt not right. Today is the worst. While I'm packing, there are so many thing run in my head. I felt want to run away from all this. Everything doesn't seem right. Heartache so much until I don't know how to react anymore. For the first time, I throw away my handphone. Its so not like me. I hate it when people planning for me, even though they know my plan today. Don't say about concern, while U never be to me. Don't ever2 say u understand me, while U never even a bit. Don't ever say U know me when all the thing U have done not a little bit match me. I hate being this angry, and I hate this kinda situation. I barely drop my tears even for the hardest time and it will hold on to as far as I can. Its hard for me to take this kinda life, and I hope when someday when my heart stop smiling to others, I will go on my life by myself as usual, and all this will never appear in my life again. I hate being soft and being used to. When can I be the way I want it? without feeling like I am being guilty to other. I felt sometimes I want to smile outside and inside, but its just not the way my life run.

Monday, November 1, 2010

Kehidupan di hari 011110

Monday, Nov 2010. Approx. 9.40pm

Arini baru prasan cam no binari plk, 1 Nov 2010 - 011110. Tapi arini pas da beli sesuatu, baru prasan tarikh best nie, tpi masalahnyer beli tok org lain la plk..haha. Arini, awal pagi lgi mama da call, bagithu mama and ayah balik klang, pastu g Lowyat, xtahu la plk wat pe..ingatkan arini nk jenguk kat taska jumpe my Dear, terpakse la tangguh esok..So arini whole day temankan adik g beli kasut and jalan2 kat TESCO. Aduyai, leceh giler nak cari kasut lelaki ni. Da la mahal, pastu design cm lebey kurang jer..apsal la barang laki ni mahal2, huhu..Balik sempat masak lunch, lapar giler td.. express jer masak tok adik2 n abg2 skali sbb da xtertanggung kelaparan. Abis msk mmg xsdar donia da ngap jer xnmpak org len da.. haha

Pas g cari kasut, singgah LENO cari barang2 Uda plk, mmg soping sakan tol Uda nie, tu pn nasib jer yg kat Kajang nie ade barang yg xde, so esok g kat Bangi pnye plk. Xper la..kat Labuan manada dah benda cmnie, kalo aku pn borong kot..tpi sbb bajet, bia la dulu.. Masalah plk ade ms balik nie..Esok plk patut plan adik and akak nak g Genting, tapi from the beginning aku da bgthu mmg aku xtahan tanah tinggi nie, mmg kalah org morning sickness. Tambah g ngan keadaan bising camtu, bukan bley release tensen pn, makin serabut ade la..kalo nak release btol2, g la pantai ker, sungai ker, TAMAN NEGARA ker.. <hehe~> asalkan bukan tempat serabut cm Genting tu..plak da mama balik tdi bgthu akak xjadi g sebab suami xbagi.Tu la..dari awal lgi aku da cakap, sblm tempah hotel lagi da pesan, da bgthu suami blom? da ade keizinan ker? plan btol2..sbb nk pegi bsuka ria cmtu mkn byk duit.

Kan bgus g pantai jer..xpn tasik ker, sungai ker..hal masak2 ok je tada hal aku ley wat, tpi xde la makan duit sgt. Ni kat genting nk beli tiket lg, nk beli mknn lagi, byk pkai duit la..ni tak, akak cakap xsuke planning, kalo planning msti xjadi..ade plk cmtu. planning la asas segala2nyer.da plk bile suami xkasi, jgn salahkn suami plk, bkn nk bincang elok2 dulu. Ni da bagi harapan kat adik, pastu jadi cmni plk..xke nyusahkan org cmtu..tensen jer. Pastu mama plk asik2 persuade aku suh g, sbb nnt yg g mama, ayah ngan adik, adik naim plk tibe2 kansel xmo ikot. mslhnyer sok aku da ade planning sendiri, tinggal 3hari jer aku kat sini b4 g Labuan, byk benda nak setel. Ni aku xthu cmne da..ak da suggest suh ganti g sungai jer <sbb brg makan sume ayah da beli> mama plk byk songeh..Aduyai, kesiannyer adik aku sorg nie, dri kecik dok asrama, bape kali trip g Genting sume die miss, tu pasal die tuntut. Suma barang nk g Genting pn die da beli, kasut, cemate itam pn die beli <macho ar adik aku nie rupenyer bkace mate itam, wahaha~>, siap pinjam sweater kawan g tu.. Aku mmg spent arini entertain die habis2, sbb aku tau sok xdpt ikot die, alih2 jadi cmni plk..buntu gile skg. Kadang2 benci gak la jdi terlalu lembut hati nie, bukan salah sndiri pn <sbb da bgthu awl2 xmo ikot> tpi rs bsalah sbb adik xde kawan nnt,cmne la rsenyer.. mmg xbest langsung la nnt. Masalah aku plk ade planning sndiri sok..kalo x biarpn aku muntah n-th times, aku xkesah jnji adik ade teman, serabutnyer pikir..cmne ea..(!____!)

Sunday, October 31, 2010

My Sunday~

Sunday, Oct 2010. Approx 1.46pm.

Today I felt like family chores day in my rent house. This morning we cleaned up backyard, cut all the trees that blocking our kitchen window <wahh..I can makcik next door cooking chapatti n curry for lunch, haha~>, then we moved the broken refrigerator and washing machine and replace with ours. Now our dry kitchen more spacious <hope both new housemate will not take advantage of it..kinda sick with their attitude lately~>. I just don't know how they manage in their own home when here there is nothing too see whether they cleaned up kitchen, or put all the dishes to rack, throw away garbage or even cleaned up the living room. At least make it comfortable to live, can ya?huhu..

Adah and kak Fiza already out for lunch, I just don't have mood to have lunch outside, so I rather cooking home with this tired body. Its ok la..as long I can cook for dinner also, so when Uda came home the is dinner on table. Today is her last day working, the is 3 days left before I'm going home to Labuan.

I don't know lately its kinda lazy to go back there since some times I just cant see what I can do there. Here, there is lots I can do, if not stopping by kindergarten I will go home do some home chores, cooking, cleaning, make up bed, check out my facebook or reading something on net. but there with no internet <sometimes when I can access the net, only for awhile>, what make me like there is the sea. They got beautiful scenery there, which I know its the only place I rest rest my head. When I'm in front the sea,I can hear the waves, feel the breeze, counting the small crabs..its really relaxing.but relax too much is not my style. I hate sitting without doing nothing. The only reason I came home to Labuan, only Allah knows why. Nowadays, its just don't feel the same. No excitement like before, no more counting days..why is that happening to me? Hope I can find the answer later...(T____T)

Saturday, October 30, 2010

Dedicated expecially for U~

"The Reason"

I'm not a perfect person
There's many things I wish I didn't do
But I continue learning
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I'm sorry that I hurt you
It's something I must live with everyday
And all the pain I put you through
I wish that I could take it all away
And be the one who catches all your tears
That's why i need you to hear

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is You

and the reason is You

I'm not a perfect person
I never meant to do those things to you
And so I have to say before I go
That I just want you to know

I've found a reason for me
To change who I used to be
A reason to start over new
and the reason is you

I've found a reason to show
A side of me you didn't know
A reason for all that I do
And the reason is you

My Heart says.. This is my Life

Saturday, Oct 2010, Approx. 10.39am

Im not feeling too well today. I dont know why but there is some uneasy feeling inside me but I just cant explained myself what it is...Cant I be tired sometimes in my life? I know life is sometimes have  ups and down but lately, the down is always in my side, luckily not for too long..If this occur, I know there is something I did wrong in life, or something not too good coming without my knowing.

I didnt say that Im not satisfied with my life, but sometimes I just felt I want more than what I have been given. but Life have its own rules, that we compulsory have to follow it. In religion also have the guidelines that I have to follow, and I never ever ever doubt it. Everything happen must have their reason, I know. Mybe the reason will come out later.

At the moment, I felt so much guilt. It wasnt suppose to be like this. Am I doing the wrong decision? I felt that, I have been greedy to this feeling. I hold to trust, but sometime i've betrayed it. I hate being like this, have to do decision, which include my future. Lately I have some talk with <.....>, we talk about something that I felt guilty. I didnt meant to be secretive, but i have to. What ever it is, as long as we promise not too for this time, I will kept the secret safely in my heart. There are too many secrets I hold tightly in my chest, which sometimes when one of the secret being touched by that certain people, I felt guilt. Am I being wrong to kept the secret? Should I told her? Even I think that if she know this, she will relief about her doubt <the big one>, but I think it will affected someone else. That is why I choose to keep silent, if its for the best. but still guilty buildup inside me. Sometimes I felt tired, I want to run away from all this, but I guess the fate have chosen me to be like this. Its not wrong to sacrifice to someone else..but sometime I just couldn't sacrifice myself. Am I being selfish? I like to be seen as happy as I can, but could I be like one, when something is just not right inside? What am I suppose to do? The only thing I can see what I can do now is smile..I felt much better this way..(^-^)b

I like to be as honest as I can be, and I believe honesty is the best thing. but honesty sometimes is not always the good way lately. I hate lying, and I hate it when I have too but thinking it again, its the only way to save the situation. Sometimes I felt I'm being too greedy. I want everything good in my life, but I know decision should be made. Its someone else life that I touch, and it will affected their whole life with my decision. Do I have the gut to do it? I just cant, because I don't want to ruin their life. but if I'm not doing it, I will make it worst.. Am I? Smiling surely reduced thing, but some time this smile makes the disaster. Its the main reason why the problem being this way. Is this my fault for being too easy to give smile? Smile and the world will smile with u, but with smile I trapped into this, and I couldn't make it out. I love being me, but sometimes being me is tiring. What ever it is, I still love being me, I am the chosen one to walk this path of life - My Own Life. (^__^)V

Friday, October 29, 2010

I like~ v(^____^)V

Friday, Oct. 2010. Approx. 8.53pm

Semalam g Shah Alam, saje2 g lepak umah P adik Adah. Ye ar, die da thun akhir sok2 da xjmpe g..tu pasal ar g bmalam uma sewa die..yg xtahan smpai2 ptg tu dok layan cite korea darling uda ni..haha. patut alang2 smpai g ar lepak2 round s.alam kan..ntah la apsal tah penat giler kot, sbb demam sikit sbnrnyer.Malas nk layan demam nie, tpi bile da tduduk<konon2 nk rehat jap la..tgk cite uda nie> termengantok n tertido la plk, hehe..

Bangun2 plak da kol4+, alang2 trus siap la nk kuar jalan..ngam2 tgh bsiap encik Hafiz msg plk..good timing btol. Pastu alang2 siap lepak2 la kat bwh, mls lak dok dalam bilik. da tu lepak2 kat bwh jmpe sejenis ulat bulu yg pelikss giler2 kaler putih. Mula2 nyer nk takotkn uda, sbb nmpak cm semut dok angkut debu2 <lgpn mmg byk giler semut kecik merah tu kat situ> skali bile tgk dkat2 siyes geli giler..btol2 ulat bulu rupenyer~ warghhh, nyesal dok kenakan org, rupenyer btol2 tu..haha<padan muke kah aku?;p> xsempat adah nk snap pic ulat tu, laju giler die lari, mentang2 la kaki byk..ewww, geli gile bile tbayang balik. Tp mmg ade hikmah la nape terase nk amik pic ulat tu, rupe2nye adah punye memori kad kamera tertinggal kat atas, kena ar die amik balik..kesian tu, panjat tangga 6 tingkat kot, da la xde lif. Xpe ar adah, xcersize kan..;p Dok lepak2 ngn uda sempat la mengabdikan muke kitorg kat kamera phone, hehe~

Tempat pertama singgah-Nasi Ayam Pak Mal. Tengahari tu mmg xmkn lgsung, pastu dok tbyg2 mcm2 so menu yg ngidam giler ms tu mmg ns aym jer..nsb sume pn layan ns aym, haha~  Pastu g I-City, sbb Uda blom penah g lg..tu pasal la g gak wpon kena byr RM5. Xper la..berbaloi la wpon dlm tu da xseberapa sgt daripada ms first datang <ms msh g FOC>. berbaloi dpt tunaikan impian org yg nk sgt g, puas hati tgk kegembiraan uda..Thanks Encik Hafiz Malek, hehe~

Balik cmbiase makan g sblm balik kat Ulek Mayang..hehe. Sian kat Hafiz, da la xpacking lgi, ade hati kitorg curi ms die lm2 g lepak2 kdai mkn, thnks a lots sgt2 kat die..(^____^)

Nak uplod pic actually, tapi tenet ni mengong la plk..tensi2. xper ar, next post nk letak pic2 fav aku ms kat sne, later ya...(^___________^)

Thursday, October 28, 2010

Kehidupan di Taska Cahaya Tiara

Thursday, Oct 2010. Approx. 10.46am.

Baru jer balik dari antar budak taska balik swimming..arini awl giler kol8 g da btolak g Danau, UKM. On the way tu mcm2 la plk pesanan budak2 nie, nk karipap la..teacher2, nk air skali..air pn bukan calang2, air ribena..ciss! aku layankn karipap jer, air?telan air liur la..haha~ <kejamkah aku? (!__!)>

Sampai2 ngm2 ngn teacher yg ngajar swimming..ok la, xlewat cm aritu..kang kena saun g abes la..plak da arini mmg last aku ngantar swim tok bulan nie..bln depan aku da balik Labuan, xde la nk jmpe teacher2 swimming nie lagi..<blushing2..;p> ngam la plk arini sume nk tegur aku, adakah kerana aku berbaju kurung arini?haha..tpi sblm balik td smpat la plk life saver kat situ suh aku lawat2 die kat sne, kesian..bosan kot abg tu kat situ..harap ade bdk2 ni dtg swim jer la br berseri swimming pool tu..

Erm..balik2 br terase ngntuk giler..smlm tido lmbat sikit, bgn awl giler..ni ingat nk tido jp, tpi cm mls la plk..payah ar cmnie, ngntuk tpi xley tido..xper la, smpai Shah Alam karang tido umah adik adah..tu pun kalo tertido la..haha. Da la plak lapa giler tdi, makan karipap n pow roti bdk taska nie <erm..actually bkn pow, Inas da khaskan tok teacher kesayangan die nie..hehe, muah3..syg Inas> pastu bley plak ms sembang2 dalam keta Lisa ckp kan bagus kalo teacher Ina sakit, bley la teacher ain ngajar kitorg..<fyi, teacher Ina merupakan mama Lisa, wahaha..> aku gelak giler dgr..bdk2 ni jujur sgt pn payah..sok2 kalo mama die aka Teacher Ina dengar maunyer aku da kena ban dari dtg taska..


Mohd Edriel Afiq
Aleesya pn da start obses ngn aku nie..apsal la plk xthu la..bdk len yg dekat aku sume mkn sepak terajang die..my Dear Eddy pn aku tgk dari jauh jer..cam cinta xkesampaian..huhu.Eddy pn asik merajuk jer ngn aku, dok sudut bilik ngadap dinding, tu mmg style mrajuk die la tu..Im so sorry dear Eddy, nnt teacher bw g date kat taman arnab faveret Eddy ea..

Rindu plk ngn budak2 taska nie..ade 6 hari jer lagi kat sini b4 balik labuan. Lamenyer kat sane, huhu..aritu pas 1bulan balik sini sume bdk2 ni cm mmbesar xsangka2..byk tol perubahan. Azam da stat byk cite, tot tet tot tet xhenti2..Awatif msh mentain melekat2, mmmg source utama sepak terajang Aleesya, baby kembar pn da besar, Aliff makin manjer, Fahmi mentain blurr tpi da bley bcakap jelas, bdk2 besar sume kumpul cite nk sembang ngn teacher die nie..huhu. Sebelum balik ni nk amik video dorg la..miss sgt2 dorg nnt..LOVE U GUYS SOOOOOO MUCH..harap yg besar2 tu blom masuk tadika la ms aku balik nnt, kang sedey giler xsempat jumpe..(!--!')

Wednesday, October 27, 2010

People Plans, Allah Execute on His Own Willing

Wednesday, October 2010. Approx 9.19am.

Raining again in morning, got sore throat and a bit fever. My body can handle everything except rain, just cant resist it. A tiny drop can make the temperature up, luckily not high enough to make me on bed all day long. Actually, last night, there was so many planning I want to do for today. I thought I might go home since this Thursday got something else to be done. < fyi, weekly routine(every Thursday): go home luring time with family, a day a week>  So this early morning i thought i go home first and fetch both Umairah and Haziq by 430pm when all the sudden I realize I have to send kids to swimming class by 9am. This warmth bed and the cold raining atmosphere outside make me a loadzzz of lazy to get up, and 730am a short yet reliefs message knocking my phone said no swimming class today.Yess!! guess i can sleep a bit longer but I set myself up at 830, and I can go home after that. But then a short notice message came in said Umairah not to school today. Oh my, guess today i have to fetch Haziq as usual:12.30pm.

So many obstacles come all the sudden even though we do the plan earlier. Even sometimes its kinda slightly disappointment come from the heart, but who are we to get mad? The saying that People Plans, Allah Execute on His Own Willing is definitely true, and as long we can take a tight hold of it and always have a back up plans, there is nothing more regretting nor felt disappointed in the plans that we already make. A wise person should know how to be flexible right? Life teach us everyday and today lesson is - BE FLEXIBLE.

Oh yes, and the result of my story <or my planning>? The plan of getting home is compulsory, so my backup plan is after send Uda to work, fetch Haziq and send him home safely and I will go home after that, which take the time at 12.30pm. Its ok, all the things occurred in life, must have hikmah behind that. I can do this blog entry at this time <can I call it 'hikmah' too? ;p> by the way, tomorrow I have to send them swimming tomorrow by 830am, fetch Umairah by 1230pm and send Haziq home after that so might get to Shah Alam by evening since have to go by afternoon. Wait up for us guys...(^____________________^) b

Tuesday, October 26, 2010

What lies beneath~

Tuesday, 26th October 2010. Approx. 8.54PM

What life gives a person until certain person will give up easily?

HARDWORK - I do give up sometimes. but if something triggered me to be more hardwork, i might do the best <easy example: developing this blog, only me and he know how hardwork we become to settle certain probs in this blog,heheh> As live promising something, we still have to do the best and not only hoping without no intention to make it work. Its what you have to do to make things work.

LOYALTY - I do believe loyalty is everything, even some obstacle come and make us be unsure, we have to hang on something, have faith in it, that is when the loyalty becoming the important point of life.

TRUSTEES -I do trust people, but not all, mostly not easily. That is why when a person make things that make me lost my trust, he/she needs to pay back in any form to gain it back, and its become more harder to take back what is lost inside.

RESPONSIBLE - I believe I am responsible person, yet i hate people who is being unbelievably selfish. What they get when being selfish? Ok, maybe they got something extra, maybe they can surely sleep soundlessly at night without hesitation, but do they realize that having people suffer will send them much more pain life without they know? Life is yin and yang, Life is black and white, Life have good and bad, Life have payback- it is a PROMISE. Live Life to the Fullest! V(^________________^)V

The Reason

From my student-NURIN

25th Birthday (August 2010)
Tuesday, Oct 26th 2010 - approx 2.10PM
Start my first line of blog entry. Nothing much to say, just learning is quite interesting if we like to know about something. Life haven't been so hard if we take it easily, but somehow its become harder moreover worsen if we complicated things - which everything comes from heart.

Some people says i'm being so complicated yet making things hard to understand me. Honestly-yes i do admit. I make from outside easier but hard from inside, in my heart. Which may lead certain person said I'm being hypocrite (Am I?). I like to do things a bit perfect, yet i know well there is no perfect person out there..< if there is, show me at least a person (^__^)b >

I can describe my life is what  just like the way I want it, simpler yet full of life. I like to gain everything that make my life meaningful..even some people say I'm making myself hard for others, but for me what is the life is when there is no even a single scratch pays? Satisfaction is the point when doing something. A watcher can say thousands words but the player get the true meaning of it. After all, all the heart broken, hurt and pain, anger or frustrated, headache and hatred, it paid when people noticed we are here, who we are and they do realize no one can replace me and that make me felt nice, sweet, happy, touched, Important. That the meaning of LIFE, isn't it? V(^______________^)V