Welcome Notes

Be Happier Like There is No Worries..Be Wise When Time Needed..Be Trusted and More Over
...........JUST BE YOURSELF............

Thursday, December 23, 2010

Deep Breathing to Lose Weight

Adding some deep breathing to your daily routine can actually help to boost your metabolism. Now you are probably thinking, really? Well, although breathing alone is not going to eliminate those excess pounds, when combined with a healthy diet, plenty of water and adequate exercise it can really make a difference.
Deep breathing is something you can do anywhere. Its an exercise you can do without changing clothes or going to the gym. Try it while waiting in line for your groceries, at your desk or even while kicking back watching a movie.

Deep Breathing and Weight Loss

Most of us take shallow breaths throughout the day. In fact, research has shown that most people only use a quarter of their lung capacity. Why is this important? Deep breathing increases oxygen levels in your bloodstream, which in turn increases circulation and gives your metabolism a boost. By not breathing deeply enough, you're forcing your metabolism to run below its optimal level. When you switch your metabolism back on, you will discover higher energy levels and increased mental clarity too.
Deep breathing can also reduce stress levels. When we are stressed the body secretes Cortisol, a hormone that encourages your body to store excess abdominal fat. Deep breathing reduces stress which in return keep that waistline slim.

Other benefits of Deep Breathing

Increasing your oxygen levels through deep breathing helps to keep your body cleansed of toxins. Exhalation from the lungs is one of the methods that the body uses to clear out toxins from your body, and elimination of waste, debris, toxins, and body pollution is a major function of oxygen. Keeping your body free of these substances helps to keep the metabolism revved. More oxygen will stimulate your lymphatic system too - another important factor in eliminating waste.
Deep breathing also improves the digestive process. When the digestive organs receive adequate amounts of oxygen, food is assimilated properly and nutrients are properly absorbed by the body.

A Deep Breathing Technique

Place your hand on your lower abdomen and blow out all the air. Take a deep breath. Your abdomen will expand when you inhale and air will flow in deeply to the pit of your stomach. Breath out slowly and evenly. Now repeat this for for 5 minutes everyday!

6 Ways to get Mind to Focus When It Does Not Seem Your Own

It sometimes seems to me that I don’t own my mind, it has choices of its own. I want it to focus, generate ideas, be constructive … (In short do as I say!); And it is busy with it’s own task list. It wanders off into past, future, movies, books, conversations … anything and everything except where I want it to be. Times like these have been really frustrating and a cause of lot of unhappiness. Especially, when a deadline is nearby and I need to focus and be productive.
This was true till I found solution to work with my mind, get it to focus and help it to help me. Here are 6 ways to get mind to focus when it does not seem your own:
1. Deal with it as you would deal with a kidFirst and foremost, stop getting agitated about not being in control. The more we resist, the more the problem persists. It’s as if mind is like a child. The more we ask it to not to do something, the more it does the same.
So, if we don’t resist it, what do we do? We allow it to be where it is. And hear it out. What are its concerns. What is so important that it is ignoring our immediate need. Sometimes, sitting in silence for 5-10 minutes is all it takes to get everything out and clearing the mind. Once mind is clear, you are all set to use it the way you want.
2. Let the mind vent out
Sometimes, listening is not enough. Sometimes the need is to to talk, share with someone and offload things within. There could be some sadness, some worry, some pestering thought, if mind could just share with someone or write down, it would be enough to settle down.
3. Give mind clear and specific requirements
Be clear what is it that needs to be done. And what are the steps for doing it. Confused, unclear instructions will not yield satisfactory output. Calm yourself and state in simple and clear language list of things that need to be done and need your immediate attention.
4. Do not overload
Pick up one item at a time and deal with it. Don’t think about others. Be as fast as you can with whatever item you have picked up. Not worrying or trying to focus on other items will help finishing off tasks faster.
5. Take a break – get refreshed.
Sometimes all that’s needed is a little bit of refreshment. And there are so many ways to do this in small amount of time. Here’s my list:
    a. Have some food (if you are ignoring your tummy needs).
    b. Drink some tea/coffee.
    c. Splash your face with cold water.
    d. Go for a walk in nature
    e. Take a bath
    f. Medidate
    g. Hear some music
    h. Work out
    i. Sing a song
6. Be CreativeLast but not the least, this list is not exhaustive. Be creative and find more ways to work with your mind and help it stay focussed.

Monday, December 20, 2010

Dear Diary~

Kadang2 xtahu kenapa perlu ade blog..nak bcerita kadang2 cam xde idea..tpi sometimes dalam hati ni nak luahkan tapi xtahu ape yang menghalang. nak tulis dalam diary, dah ade..tpi nk gak yg typing type punya, kalo letak dlm words, kalo kne virus xley nk bace2 balik..nk bekap byk2 kang leceh plk..tu psl kot org ade blog..haha

Lately mood cam xbest..after balik dari labuan, aku rase cam jadi org lain..name masih same, org masih same, tpi dalam hati x same lgi. Actually kejadian di Labuan aritu buat hati ni cam xbest..ade ke org yg xselesa ngan keluarga sendiri?pelik tpi benar, tu la yang aku rase sekarang..nape keluarga lain begitu bahagia, sangat memahami dan gembira menghabiskan masa bersama ahli keluarga. Dorang pun xpenah membezakan anak sape, sume anak pun anak dorang gak..bile aku berada di satu2 keluarga di sana, im realize that we lack of something. Before this I just ignored that slackness but those things appeared bluntly which others can see clearly . Is not that I didn't want my family, I love them so much yet something that should be correct from the beginning never been taking care of. They never losing me eventhough I spent most time with our relatives..because here I spent of my time with them. Xpaham and confuse why things should be like that. Kadang2 memang rasa ridiculous bile pikir2 balik..why they behave like a childish. Sometimes rase cm nk jadi jahat, xpeduli ape org pikir, jnji kite buat tok kebahagiaan diri dan org lain..but sometimes bile kite sacrifice something, org cume nmpak yg buruk jer kite buat, tpi di sebaliknya kite buat tu utk kebaikan dorang gak..why??perlu ker kite terangkan ape kite wat, bia nmpak cm baekss sssgt la kite nie?I dont need that. Aku nk buat ssuatu kebaikan bia la xde org tahu, kan x ikhlas jadinyer bile sume kite wat nk kena bgthu org..janji ikhlas di hati, dont u thik so? xpaham sgt why jadi cmni..pening and pressure sgt...rasa cm nak g jauh dari sini, g tempat org xkenal kite and x penah tahu sape kite. Build a new life, sape2 pon xdapat diri ni..kan senang. Kalo la diri ni bley dibahagikan kepada mereka2 yg nk sgt kn bgus, tpi endingnyer wpon sme je kite treat dorg, mst ttap nk lebih n xpuas hati. Am I their properties and not their child? Parent sendiri intense nk buang anaknyer, tpi bile ade famili lain sanggup berebut anak yg di buang ni, mau pulak di tarik balik..tu pun dgn kate2 kurang sedap didengari..tamaknyer perbuatan camtu. If i got the licence someday to get out from there, i will take the chances and never turned back..Im hurt so much now, never know when the inside of me change to something else. I wonder why some people have split identity, now I know why..(!____!)